

I don't quite know how to begin this post. I've been on a long hiatus from my blog, which was originally intended to be my fun diary of random finds. I honestly don't know if I can ever come back to it. On April 14, I lost my husband and biggest cheerleader to Colon cancer. He fought hard for a year and half, we went all over the country to seek answers and treatment. Unfortunately, with this dreadful disease it's the luck of the draw. He was my best friend, my daughter's hero, my boyfriend, confidant, biggest supporter of all my crazy dreams and ideas. We were together for 20 years, 8 of those as husband and wife. It sounds so cliche, but I've truly lost half of myself. He knew me better than I knew myself, he could answer my thoughts before I was sure what to make of them. When I wanted to start this blog for fun, he was the one that encouraged me to do it. I know everything takes time, and maybe one day I'll find the strength again to come back and keep blogging. 



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